7 vegetables that are useful for hypertensives to lower blood pressure
Researchers state that that hypertensive patients should add certain vegetables to their daily diet to lower blood pressure and better control it.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common health problem in which the pressure of blood on the walls of a person's arteries suddenly becomes very great. Ultimately, this leads to various complications, including an increased risk of heart and kidney disease, stroke. Meanwhile, some changes in the diet effectively help to control the level of blood pressure and even achieve its reduction. First of all, scientists believe, hypertensive people will benefit from vegetables rich in natural nitrates.
“Studies have shown that daily consumption of one or two portions of vegetables rich in nitrates can have the effect of reducing the symptoms of hypertension, including high blood pressure “.
Spinach. It is saturated with the natural nitrates mentioned above: these substances have a positive effect on blood flow, lighten the load on the heart.
Red cabbage. It is one of the best vegetables , which help normalize blood pressure – this ability is provided by its very high potassium content.
Garlic.The spice's main ingredient, allicin, stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which helps smooth muscles and relax blood vessels to dilate them. These changes can lower blood pressure.
Broccoli. This vegetable is rich in three minerals that regulate blood pressure: magnesium, calcium, potassium.
Kale (curly cabbage). Its dark green leaves are very rich in potassium, which has a positive effect on the state of the vascular system in people with high blood pressure. In addition, kale provides the body with heart-healthy nutrients and antioxidants, such as lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, and flavonoids.
Beets. Another vegetable that is very high in natural nitrates. Available scientific evidence suggests that drinking beetroot juice can lower blood pressure in the short and long term.
Swiss chard. Also rich in magnesium, calcium, potassium – minerals that regulate the blood. pressure Eating this vegetable helps fight various heart diseases, inflammation, and high cholesterol.
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