7 violations in which there is unreasonable fatigue
Util , as well as emotional exhaustion. Let's talk about this in more detail. Often such depression does not occur due to shock, but because of elementary processing and lack of sleep, which lead to the fact that in brain cells, a deficiency of serotonin is formed. It is possible to stay all the time in conditions of active physical activity, hard work, responsibility. The lack of adequate rest leads to the fact that the body begins to lack vitamins. For example, with the development of metabolic syndrome and loss of sensitivity of cells to insulin, the absorption of glucose by the body is impaired, and this leads to weakness.
another cause of fatigue – medication. In particular, a feeling of weakness, fatigue, dizziness can occur as a side effect when using pressure from pressure, antihistamines and sedatives. The metabolic processes slow down and hormonal failures may occur.
complain about Fatigue and patients with cardiovascular pathologies. In their case, weakness is an indicator that the heart is not provided with blood and oxygen due to the loss of their healthy functions. 'To give people with chronic heart problems, ”experts stated.
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