7 ways to avoid stroke
In Ukraine, stroke ranks third among the causes of mortality. Every year, more than 100,000 people are striking in Ukraine, 40% of them die during the first year. About half, those who have suffered a stroke over the next 5 years are faced with this problem again. Stroke mortality is also higher: according to statistics, 60% of cases end in the death of a patient.
What happens to the body during a stroke? This is due to the fact that the blood clot blocks the artery or capillary in the brain (ischemic stroke) or in the brain the blood vessel bursts and hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke) occurs. In both cases, the cells of the damaged area of the brain cease to receive oxygen and begin to die.One of the main reasons is overweight, which several times increases the risk. That is why it is very important to monitor pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, heart rate. If your weight is even slightly above normal, talk to your doctor about whether you have a tendency to stroke. And, if the doctor decides that you are at risk, you need to change your lifestyle and undergo treatment. One of the most serious mistakes is to believe that strokes occur suddenly. In fact, the preconditions are formed gradually, sometimes for several years. And patients themselves can do a lot to protect themselves from illness.One of the most effective means of stroke prevention is sold in any grocery store and costs a penny is a common beet. This root is rich in nitrites – substances that can reduce pressure. Some researchers believe that beets can improve the blood supply to the brain and even stimulate the growth of young blood vessels. So include beets in the diet and follow the simple rules of healthy eating: eat more vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meat, whole cereals, healthy fats. And minimize sugar and fast food consumption.The habit of salting the finished dish in the plate is one of the most dangerous. Excess salt leads to increased pressure, which raises the risk of stroke. Nowadays, most women are watching the amount of sugar, but few pay attention to salt. Meanwhile, fast food, canned food, fast cooking products are literally stuffed with salt! Sausages, sausages, smoked, frozen pizza and lasagna are foods that should be avoided by all of us, regardless of gender and age. Try not to exceed the recommended rate-5-6 g of salt (1 tsp) a day.One of the possible symptoms of stroke is the loss of sensitivity in the arms and legs, most often on one side. But how to understand whether a person really suffered a stroke or just a leg in his sleep? In addition, with short -term ischemic disorders (micro -strokes), a person can complain of weakness and headache. How to understand? Remember 4 main signs.
- smile . In stroke, it turns out a curve: one corner of the mouth rises, the other is dropped down.
- speech . Man says slowly, logging.
- hand . The victim will not be able to raise two hands in front of him, one will be lower.
- tongue . It looks asymmetrical or falls to one side.
If you notice at least some of these signs in yourself or loved ones, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible: if you start treatment in the first three hours after the attack, the chances of recovery are increasing many times. This test will help recognize a stroke.If you are at risk. At least one of your blood relatives had cases of heart attack or stroke? Do you suffer from high pressure? Are you smoking? Doctors have ever diagnosed you with deep vein blood clots? All of these factors, combined with hormonal contraceptives, can lead to a blood clot that can clog the vessel and provoke a stroke. When choosing contraception, be sure to discuss with your doctor a possible tendency to stroke and in any case quit smoking.
Do not throw your head
longer than 2-3 minutes. In this case, the vertebral arteries that supply the brain can be covered, which can lead to stroke. Remember this in a hairdresser when you are washed your head and do not agree “sit for a few minutes by the sink while the mask is absorbed.” In some cases, blood supply can be disturbed even when a person looks fireworks or works in a garden with his head abandoned. If you are on a platoon all the time, you make a noisy relationship with your home every day and get nervous at work, you feel unhappy – it increases the risk of stroke. Chronic stress day after day weakens the body, provoking inflammatory processes and increased secretion of the hormone of cortisol, which leads to damage to cells. Be attentive to your state of mind and it will benefit physical health.
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