7 ways to control the symptoms of cystitis

This disease is in millions of residents of our country, and in some it takes a chronic form . In addition to prescribed medicines, you should pay attention to the recommendations that help you control cystitis.

hot bath. Taking a warm bath reduces stress and relaxes the pelvic muscles, reducing the level of pain. However, do not use bath products that can cause intimate organ irritation.

hiking. With these loads, endorphins are released, which can be called natural painkillers. A special effect is brought in water and aerobics in water, yoga, uusha, as well as just hiking.

dog. Studies show that regularly interacting with dogs people have less stress. In addition, these animals need to be constantly walking, making you more actively move.

massage. Contact this procedure for a professional, but avoid massage of deep fabrics, as it can be painful.

spiritual practices. It all depends on your religious preferences.

Rest. Turn off all electronics, try not to think about anything disturbing, do your favorite things like listening to music or reading an interesting book.

Psychotherapist. Treatment of cystitis, but he understands how to reduce stress. Besides, it will help you cope better with pain.

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Author: alex

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