7 ways to reduce the risk of stroke
About 12 million stroke cases are recorded every year in the world. It can happen at 70 and 40. There are steps that can be taken today to reduce the risk of stroke in the future. If you are at risk, you need to be observed by a neurologist, to do ultrasound of the vessels of the neck.Arterial hypertension several times increases the risk of stroke. In this regard, all people at risk should measure blood pressure at least once a week. It is important to remember that even with good health and the absence of such symptoms of hypertension as headache, fatigue and sleep disorders, increased pressure at rest above 140/90 mm Hg. Art – Appeal immediately to see a doctor.
should not be neglected by such preventive measures as:
- Reduced the amount of salt in the diet to 1 500 mg per day (about half a teaspoon)
- Refusing products with high cholesterol
- Adding to the diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grain and low-fat dairy products, as well as one portion and more if possible
World practice shows that thanks to one of the control of blood pressure alone, the risk of stroke is reduced by 50%. This simple method allows you to significantly reduce the risk of disease, as it often leads to normalization of blood pressure.This is due to the fact that weight loss is impossible without correction of the diet. And giving up fat and heavy foods, in turn, leads to a decrease in sugar and cholesterol in the blood.One of the most common problems today is hypodynamia, or too low physical activity. In this regard, stroke prevention should include exercise more than 30 minutes at least 5 times a week. It is important to remember that physical exercises should be selected by a doctor with age and illness.
To begin with, quite small changes available to everyone: to use the stairs instead of an elevator, go out one stop earlier and walk on a lunch break.
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