7 ways to slow down aging at the cellular level – experts named the secrets of longevity

Certain lifestyles can increase the production of an enzyme that can lengthen telomeres. What does this mean? Firstly, one of the “secrets” of longevity at the cellular level is adherence to the Mediterranean diet.

The Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil and fish. This can “seriously reduce your chances of getting metabolic syndrome”.

Metabolic syndrome

NHS experts explained that metabolic syndrome describes a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

“It increases the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and other conditions that affect the blood vessels.”

Metabolic syndrome is “dangerous”, but it is estimated that it affects one in three elderly men aged 50 and over.

Another key measure to reverse metabolic syndrome and increase life expectancy is to lose excess weight.

Lose weight

Lose weight can protect you from heart disease and other diseases that could otherwise take years off your life.

The NHS has listed other factors that can help reverse or prevent life-shortening metabolic syndrome.

< p>These vital factors include quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption and regular exercise.

“The evidence is clear. People who exercise live longer on average than those who don't.”

Regular physical activity reduces the risk of:

  • Heart disease
  • < li>Stroke

  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Depression

Another “secret” to longevity is to prioritize quality sleep , which can reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes. The NHS says adults need seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

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Author: alex

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