7 ways to use a banana peel

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Bananas are our favorite fruits. Nutritious and healthy, good as a separate snack and as part of desserts, smoothies and fruit cocktails.

Did you know that you can use not only the pulp? Banana peels also have many uses. Read about 7 ways now!

  1. Treatment of bumps and scratches. Speed ​​up the healing process by applying a banana peel to the injured area of ​​the body and leave it on for half an hour or longer. Polysaccharides, which are part of the banana, will help the skin to recover faster. Plus, the fruit has anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Silver cleaning.Banana peel contains wax and natural oils, the composition of which will help to polish silver. The recipe is simple: you will need plain water, a banana peel and a soft cloth or napkin. Beat the skin and water in a blender until it becomes a paste, add liquid accordingly depending on the amount of skin, it is better to do it gradually. Apply banana paste to silver jewelry or tableware with a soft cloth, rub, and then rinse in warm water.
  3. Fertilizer for flowers.Your flowers and plants will love this method. Banana peel contains useful minerals and vitamins: sulfur, magnesium, calcium. Feel free to use the peel to enrich the soil in which you grow your flowers. Dig the skin around the roots, and it will serve as a fertilizer for the soil.
  4. Make the meat more tender. Are you planning to simply fry chicken or prepare a more elaborate dish from other types of lean meat? yasa, we suggest using a banana peel to make it soft and tender. When cooking a piece of meat, put the skin on top of it – it will release its natural oils and protect the meat from drying out, making it juicy and tasty.
  5. Cream for shoes. In addition to oils, the banana peel contains natural wax. All you need to make your shoes shine again is to rub the surface of the shoe with the inside of the leather and then wipe with a soft cloth.
  6. Against hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids, like any other disease, needs to consult a specialist first. After consulting a doctor, you can try this simple and actually safe remedy. You will need 2 tablespoons of witch hazel and 2 banana peels, broken into a paste in a blender. Soak a clean, thin cloth in it and apply to the affected area for about 30 minutes.
  7. Removal of ink from the skin. Natural oils will help to better clean the skin of the hands from the ink stains that got on it. . Carefully wipe your hands with the inside of a banana peel – the ink pigments will come into contact with the oils and it will be easier to deal with the problem. Do not forget to wash your hands with warm water afterwards.

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Author: alex

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