8 advantages of reading books
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We all know that books enrich our vocabulary and introduce us to the world of human thoughts and feelings But they also have some other amazing health benefits.
Reduce stress
Stressful situations surround us everywhere. Whether it's family, work, relationships, or money, we all experience stress at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, stress can also be a risk factor for a number of dangerous physical and mental illnesses, including Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, depression and heart disease. Fortunately, one great way to de-stress is to immerse yourself in a good book. A well-written novel can transport you to a new realm that allows you to relax, disconnect and distract yourself from the stresses of everyday life.
Helps empathize
A reader of books is more likely to identify with other people, and it will be easier for him to put himself in another person's shoes. This, in turn, helps to increase our ability to understand the feelings and beliefs of other people and at the same time improve our social and communication skills. Books develop the most important sense of empathy.
Protect against dementia
Like any other muscle in the body, the brain needs regular exercise. Scientists and researchers have confirmed that the brain is made up of complex networks, circuits and signals. When they develop, they make our brain stronger and more sophisticated. Reading literally rebuilds the brain! A number of studies have also shown that such mental training can slow the progression of cognitive impairment associated with diseases such as dementia. Keeping your brain constantly active while reading and doing other mental activities like board games or solving puzzles will ultimately help keep your mind intact.
Vocabulary expansion
It is logical that the more words you hear, the more they will enter your everyday vocabulary. Studies have shown that students who read regularly from an early age gradually expand their vocabulary. It can help in many areas of life, including increasing your chances of doing better on tests and exams. Expanding your vocabulary is also considered one of the best factors for career success. Those who speak well tend to do better at work and are more likely to get the job or promotion they want.
Promotes better concentration
To to understand what you read, you need to focus and concentrate on the printed words. Regular reading will not only help to develop concentration, but also improve attentiveness, which is important in many other areas of our lives.
Helps relieve symptoms of depression
Reading is good for our mental health, which means it can help alleviate the symptoms of depression. When we feel down, our minds are usually occupied with negative thoughts. However, by taking the time to read a positive book, you can focus on something else and not be consumed by negativity. Although reading will not eliminate the root causes of depression, it may well help temporarily distract from problems.
Improves memory
When we engage in physical exercise, such as running or cycling, we affect the cardiovascular system, making it more resilient. Similarly, reading gives our brain a thorough workout and at the same time improves the ability to remember. When we read a book, we must remember the plot line, including the characters, their history, and other important aspects. Doing this on a regular basis helps strengthen the brain's ability to remember such information. A great benefit of reading is that it strengthens and develops the pathways or “synapses” in our brain, helping to improve short-term memory.
Helps you relax and get a good night's sleep
Many people wonder why they can't fall asleep for so long. But various screens around us emit blue light, which disrupts our internal clocks and makes it difficult to fall asleep. By reading a book before going to bed, you not only forget about daytime stress, but also train your brain to associate this activity with sleep. This will ultimately make it much easier to fall asleep. So give up your smartphone and buy yourself a book instead.
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