8 cases when the nose can indicate a disease
Considering that the body is a single whole, it is not surprising why, after looking at the nose, a doctor may suspect a person of having a hidden disease.
Bleeding from the nose. Nosebleeds can signal hypertension, a disease that can last for a long time, being unrecognizable to a person. If nosebleeds are a periodic phenomenon or make themselves felt, for example, when a person changes body position sharply, you should not ignore it, you should definitely get examined by a cardiologist.
Vessels that are visible. The veins of blood vessels that appear on the nose can also indicate high blood pressure and an inflammatory process in the vascular system. Vessels on the skin near the wings of the nose that have burst signal stagnant phenomena in the body.
A bluish tip. In this case, we can assume a violation of the functioning of the heart and lungs. If you notice a bluish nose, you should definitely get examined – there is a chance that doctors will detect a blood clot.
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