8 common cases where tea is more detrimental than in favor of


What could be better than cups of strong aromatic tea? Such a beloved drink is not only able to cheer up, warm up in cold evenings, but also has great benefit! But not always!

the benefit of a tea sheet

The tea leaf is rich in vitamins of group “B”, “C”, “K” and “P”. It is also saturated with flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols and various beneficial acids, protein and caffeine. In addition, in the usual many people, drinks-tea-tea will contain the necessary body every day of the amount of useful metals: sodium, potassium, manganese, fluorine, copper and others. Some advantages seem, but not so simple!

there are cases and habits of consumption when tea is detrimental, not in favor. Let's look at them together. When you drink it on an empty stomach

Many people prefer to drink a cup of sweet tea instead of a good breakfast. And they do it in vain! Tea has the ability to suppress gastric secretions in the form of juices and bile. A cup of tea on an empty stomach causes the appetite to completely disappear, which means that the daily diet is broken.

Subsequently, a feeling of hunger when it is unusual can be a often phenomenon. Of course, there may not be a useful food at hand, and you will have to throw in delicacies, fast nutrition and, for example, chips. A great alternative to tea in the morning on a hungry stomach will be a glass of warm water. Breakfast is better to take with you.

2. When he is too strong

Some neglect the recommendations of tea manufacturers at the required dosage of brewing on the cup. And too, it is! Increasing the amount of dry tea sheet while maintaining water, you can get a harmful solution. The result is no sleep, hiking in the toilet, and healthy.

3. When tea is too hot

, of course, hot tea is just a classic of any evening conversation. But it is not always necessary to drink, burning mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. The fact is that damaged tissue boiling water becomes more sensitive to all kinds of infections and bacteria.

Among the unpleasant consequences of regular consumption of hot tea is not only colds and SARS, but even the likelihood of neoplasms. Be careful!

4. When it is brewed for too long

it would be more correct to talk about storage time in brewed form. If freshly brewed tea is not used in the first half an hour – an hour, it will get excessive strength.

We have already talked about this – in this case, the harmful substances will prevail over the useful, and useful, in fact, the drink will turn into a harmful liquid.

5. When you drink tea before eating

in one of the previous points, we have already considered the detrimental effect of tea on bile secretion and gastric juice. In addition, a substance called tannin contained in tea can be an obstacle to the normal absorption of protein.

It is for this reason that tea for food is not the best solution! And if you really want to drink it during the day, it is better to do it no later than half an hour before the next meal.

6. When you drink it after eating

tannin figured out. Consumed protein food will be poorly absorbed by the body or not absorbed at all if it is asked by tea. If you really want sweets or sugar tea, it is better to drink it with them 1-2 hours after eating.

7. When tea is brewed yesterday

He stood in a brewing kettle for a long time, it turns into a slide, too strong and tasteless. What is devoid of all the beneficial properties!

and it is not just about brewing: if for some reason you have not been left for evening tea for the morning – everything is not very good. During this time, it will have time to begin to be active pathogens that are dangerous to health.

8. When you drink them medicine

Tea is the concentration of biologically active substances. Many of them can not be used with medicines because of their complete incompatibility! In some cases, the pills, tea, even if they do not harm the health, but efficiency will lose exactly. Conversely, tea is able to increase the effect of drugs that raise tone and increase mental and physical abilities. And it is also unfavorable to the body! For them, tea party is a whole ceremony, a set of actions taken in a certain sequence. It is this approach to tea consumption that makes it as useful as possible, which gives health, strength and pleasure! And if there may be no time for the eastern tea ceremonies, then it should be found to be not made from tea from tea. Nice proper tea and good health!

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Author: alex

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