8 dietary products that make you fat

Even sour milk cheese and oatmeal can turn out to be werewolves!

Low-calorie, low-fat, healthy-it seems, diet products are simply a savior for everyone who monitors weight and health. But no matter what: among them there are real werewolves who not only prevent us from losing weight, but also undermine our health.


Cereal flakes, dried fruits and nuts – it would seem that what could be dangerous for the figure and even more so for health? Unfortunately, just a glass of ready-made muesli contains about 500 calories and 30 grams of fat, as well as quite a lot of sugar. Add to this the habit of many to dilute muesli with fat yogurt – and you will be horrified. If you like muesli, it is better to prepare them yourself – then they will be really useful.

Corn flakes

Ready-made flakes fried with the addition of molasses, palm oil, sugar or chocolate are not inferior in calories to a large piece of cake. And cause the same insulin jump – no benefit, especially if you eat them for breakfast every day. Do not believe misleading advertising, take care of your health!


Everyone already knows that sweet yogurts with pieces of fruit are, to put it mildly, not good for the figure or health. But the fact that Greek yogurt can do no less harm comes as a surprise to many. The thing is, a lot of sugar is often added to low-fat yogurts to make them taste brighter — and that's really bad. If you want to have a healthy breakfast, choose yogurt without sugar.

Whole grain products

There is no doubt, whole grains are a real treasure for our body. They have a lot of B vitamins and dietary fiber, which are necessary for our intestines. But there is one danger: most often manufacturers call those products that consist of cleaned seeds whole grain. They are stored longer, more convenient to process and … yes, much less useful for us. Choose carefully!

Dried fruits

This is a really great product for those who care about their health, control their sugar level and weight – but only on one condition. If you prepared these dried fruits yourself and purchased them from a proven manufacturer. Unfortunately, in most cases, dried fruits bought in stores and markets only pretend to be useful: manufacturers add sucrose to them for a more pleasant taste, and sulfur for a bright color. Of course, these supplements definitely won't help you lose weight.

Fat-Free Salad Dressings

Most of them are indeed very low in calories and virtually fat-free, but they are still very poor choices. First of all, because almost all such dressings block the assimilation of antioxidants contained in vegetables. And thus they make a delicious vegetable salad practically useless, unfortunately.

Breads and galettes from puffed rice

Trying to replace the usual bread with rice galettes is a very bad idea . Firstly, the glycemic index of rice is much higher than that of bread, and secondly, the average calorie content of such galettes is 430 calories. Too much for those who seriously want to lose weight, right?

Sour milk cheese

Healthy and tasty, but only on one condition: you eat in no more than 200 grams a day. The fact is that even low-fat cheese contains at least 17% protein (which is more than, for example, in beef). In addition, the animal fats included in this product make it difficult for the liver to work, so it is better to eat it little by little and not every day.

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Author: alex

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