8 myths about breast cancer that have nothing to do with reality
These myths can be dangerous for health, We will be careful.
every tenth woman over the age of 50 is faced with breast cancer, with only half of cases diagnosed in the early stages, when the likelihood of successful treatment is 80-95%. Early diagnosis of the disease, including myths about this disease, most of which not only have nothing to do with truth, but can also be truly harmful and even dangerous to your health and life. Actually : regular breast self -examination (preferably performed once a month) will not replace the mammologist and ultrasound examination, but that does not mean that it should be abandoned. Prophylactically visit a mammologist standing once or twice a year, but it is a self-examination of the breast that will help you notice alarming signs that can be early manifestations of the disease and take action on time.: After 50 years, women are advised to pass a mammogram no less than every two years. Mammography allows you to control the condition of the breast and to detect changes, seals or tumors in a timely manner, which can be potentially dangerous to health. And despite the fact that this type of screening uses radioactive radiation, its dose is sufficiently low and does not pose a health hazard. And giving up mammography can be much more dangerous than a small dose of radiation you will receive during the examination.: The presence of breast cancer in family history increases the risk of developing the disease, but it is important to remember that 90% of patients with this type of cancer neither mom, grandmother nor other close relatives suffer from this disease. If one of your close relatives of breast cancer has been diagnosed up to 50 years, it only means that you should regularly examine breasts and pay special attention to their health. But this does not mean that you are sure to get sick.: Genetically caused breast cancer accounts for only 10 percent of all cases – the remaining 90% are considered sporadic (and doctors cannot establish a clear cause of the disease) and are not caused by the mutation of genes. Even if your family has never had breast cancer cases, you should regularly have a preventive examination with a mammologist and not neglect self -examination.: In the early stages of breast malignant tumors are so small in size or placed so deep in tissues that they cannot
actually : Glucose contains all the cells of our body, healthy and not very. Sugar itself can not force healthy cells to reborn into patients or increase the rate of growth of malignant cells. Another thing is that excessive sugar consumption (especially hidden) can cause obesity, which in itself increases the risk of developing some types of cancer. A fitting bra can disrupt blood circulation and lymphatic fluids and thus provoke cancer. But despite the fact that circulatory disorders are really very harmful to health (and therefore it is important to choose the right bra or completely abandon its wearing), it does not affect the development of cancer.
in fact : a family history of breast cancer in male relatives is as important as the history of mom or grandmother's diseases – and also affects your genetic tendency for this disease. Therefore, it is important to know the family history of breast cancer not only on the female but also in the male line.
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