8 phrases that you need to say to yourself in difficult moments of life

The skill of self-support is one of the most important in life. Regardless of how difficult the situation is, in which we may find ourselves, we must continue to believe in ourselves and our strengths. Having set yourself up in the right way, you will definitely be able to cope with any difficulties and obstacles. Below are some phrases that should be repeated to yourself more often during difficult periods of life.

My life is in my hands

Everything is possible in life. And it's good if you have friends or relatives to whom you can turn in a difficult moment. Having support from the side is very important. But to become truly strong, you need to accept the fact that the most important person in your life is yourself. It is okay to accept help from others, but it is much more important and valuable to learn to make decisions on your own and to realize that you can cope with any difficulties.

It is okay to be afraid, but I can conquer my fear

We are used to thinking about fear as an unpleasant emotion. And sometimes fear is really paralyzing. But when you realize that you can control your fear, and not succumb to its power, it will become much easier for you to live.

For example, in order to cope with the fear of the unknown, you should first of all recognize that nothing is permanent in life and learn to respond adequately to negative emotions.

Coping with the fear of the unknown will be much easier if you create situations and things around you that which you can control. Planning and daily habits will help you structure your life and fill it with meaning every day.

Practice shows that people who maintain a healthy lifestyle, cope with fears much more easily and have willpower. In addition, healthy food, a run or even a walk will help you relax and improve your mood.

Organize a correct daily routine. Constant lack of sleep can also provoke emotional instability and depression. Insomnia not only makes us irritable, but also directly affects how we react to and cope with adversity.

I can control my thoughts and change my attitude towards situations

Our thoughts can be both our best friends and our worst enemies. Of course, controlling every aspect of life is quite difficult. And we cannot influence some circumstances. But we can change the course of our thoughts and look at difficulties from a different angle. Once you learn this, you will see more opportunities and be able to learn from the most difficult situations.

I have the right to give up for a while, but then I will pick myself up again

All of us sometimes want to burrow under the blanket and hide from the difficulties of the outside world. And it is quite natural. Thus, we want to protect our psyche and give the body an opportunity to regain strength.

It is normal to give up and feel negative emotions. The main thing is to find the strength to accept defeat, work on mistakes and continue the journey with new strength.

I have to continue to take care of myself

It is important to understand yourself and your needs in order to cope with life's challenges. But sometimes we remember how important it is, only in those cases when something inside finally “breaks”. Therefore, it is important to always remember that no matter how difficult the situation, you need to continue to take care of yourself, set personal boundaries and protect yourself from harmful external factors.

All difficulties in my life are temporary

Disappointment is what distances us from solving the problem and sometimes even exacerbates it. Therefore, it is important to remember that a lot in life depends on emotional mood. As soon as you understand that all, even the most terrible difficulties in life are temporary, you will be able to find the strength to fight them.

Instead of scolding yourself and surrendering to the power of fear, think about the fact that each new solved problem is a springboard that leads you to global changes for the better.

There is only one way out

< p>And if we are alive, then we have not encountered her yet. Most often, difficulties fall on us suddenly, catching us by surprise. And even the support of loved ones sometimes does not help to collect thoughts and cope with the problem. At such moments, it is important to remember that problems are an integral part of life. And only by rejoicing in simple things and focusing on the good, we can cope with them.

Even negative experiences can be useful

Kathleen Vos is a professor at the University of Minnesota, several years ago she and her colleagues conducted research, the results of which confirmed that negative experiences in life are no less important than positive ones. Yes, facing difficulties and overcoming them, we learn to look at life differently and gain new experience. And he, in turn, makes us stronger, wiser and more enduring

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Author: alex

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