8 signs of a heart attack that are often missed by women


In medical practice, heart attacks in women after 50 years are very common, including patients.

Experts recommend that women know how they show heart disease. According to them, there are signs that allow you to learn about the approaching heart attack.

For example, such a sign may be numbness in the hands, which often bothers only a few minutes. In most cases, such numbness is observed in the left hand, and there may also be a feeling of tingling, weakness, pain. Its peculiarity is that it does not hurt in any particular tooth, but gives the whole jaw. Cardiologists note that thus manifests itself a “reflected” pain coming out of the heart.

The heralds of female heart attack may be stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, which occur without much reason. If there are other symptoms of the series given here, you should consult a doctor.

another signal of the coming heart attack in women is back pain. In some cases, acute pain in the area between the shoulder blades is the only sign of approaching the attack. Other symptoms that may occur in this case are heartburn, tingling, burning, which lasts for two to three minutes.

in women over 55 years of age with a weak heart or with hereditary risk (in the family there were cases of heart attack) at its approach can indicate signs that are reminiscent of influenza, So if it occurs when performing quite simple and everyday actions, it can also foresee a heart attack in women.

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Author: alex

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