9 dangerous consequences of alcohol for the body

If you drink alcohol regularly, alcohol can cause harm organism – not immediately, but it is a gradual process. A daily drug can have the following nine effects.

1. Brain performance decreases

Nerve cells die, brain tissue shrinks – this directly leads to a decrease in memory performance and the ability to concentrate, and in the long term – to a decrease in intelligence.

2. The face looks puffy

If you regularly drink a lot of alcohol, the skin becomes more loose and puffy over the years. Convex thickening of the nose will be difficult to reverse.

3. The risk of cancer increases

The risk of cancer, especially in the mouth and throat area, as well as in the esophagus, increases – and increases many times again if people smoke in addition to drinking alcohol.

4. The risk of heart problems increases.

There is a risk of increased blood pressure, arrhythmias and inflammation of the heart muscle. No one needs wine to protect the heart, it is much better to do sports.

5. The liver is weakened

Every drop of alcohol must be broken down by the liver – it's hard work! There is a risk of edema, inflammation, fatty liver and liver cirrhosis.

6. Reproductive organs are damaged

Pregnant women endanger the life of the future child. In men, the level of testosterone decreases, impotence is possible.

7. Damaged peripheral nerves

Trembling hands (not only in addicts!) and painful areas (for example, in the legs) can be the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption.

8 . The pancreas is damaged

The pancreas disrupts its function, which disrupts the digestion of fats. Painful inflammation, insufficiency of blood circulation and kidneys are possible.

9. Weakened stomach and intestines

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, as well as cancer, occurs more often if a person drinks alcohol regularly. In addition, the transport and absorption of nutrients in the intestine is disrupted, and the body no longer receives a sufficient amount of vital nutrients.

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Author: alex

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