9 foods that are very high in iron – and no spinach!
The easiest way to get enough iron is to eat these products as often as possible.
Increased fatigue, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and difficulty concentrating – all these symptoms can be a sign of iron deficiency and the onset of anemia. Iron is one of the most important trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It is iron that carries oxygen, delivering it to the muscles and brain – and if we do not get enough of it, then the normal functioning of the most important organs can be difficult. Every day, an adult man should receive at least 8 mg of iron, women – 18 mg (due to blood loss during menstruation, we need significantly more iron), and pregnant women – 27 mg of iron daily. The easiest way to get iron with food – and here is a list of foods that are especially rich in iron.
Despite the fact that red meat does not have a very healthy reputation – primarily because of cholesterol – you should not completely give it up. Lean cuts — such as fillet — contain not only iron (3 mg per 100 grams), but also vitamin B12, as well as zinc and selenium. Eat beef at least once a week — it's good for your health!
Chicken thighs
Red poultry meat contains almost half as much iron as beef (1.3 mg per 100 grams), but it contains the type of iron that is especially easily absorbed by the body. And although the most useful part of chicken is considered to be white meat, the red meat should not be neglected either.
Dried apricots
Just half a cup of these bright dried fruits contains 2 mg of iron — and contains 160 calories. In addition, dried apricots are rich in vitamin C, which helps to better absorb iron, and antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer. Just choose dried fruits that have been prepared without the addition of sugar syrup.
If you follow a vegetarian diet, it is especially important for you to monitor the iron content in your diet – and in this case, lentils can be your main helper. One serving of lentils contains 3 mg of iron – as much as in beef! In addition, lentils are rich in fiber, a deficiency of which almost all adults experience to one degree or another – and which is extremely necessary for our health.
Chia seeds
These small seeds should be eaten daily by everyone, regardless of whether you are vegetarian or meat-eater. Firstly, chia contains a lot of omega-3 acids, which are vital for our heart and blood vessels. And, secondly, they are rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.
Nuts, like dried fruits, should be eaten every day – as an alternative to flour and chocolate desserts and a very healthy snack. Cashew nuts are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, protein, and iron – half a cup contains 4 mg of this trace element.
One of the healthiest legumes that should be eaten more often: beans are very rich in fiber and folic acid, as well as iron – depending on the variety, half a cup of beans contains from 2 to 4 mg of iron.
Pumpkin seeds
Not only tasty, but also very healthy: a quarter cup of pumpkin seeds contains 4.5 mg of iron. And also – calcium, protein and zinc, which is very useful for our heart. Eat for your health!
Dark chocolate
It is worth eating three to four pieces of dark chocolate a day: it is rich in beneficial antioxidants that prevent the development of many forms of cancer and protect our brain from age-related changes, as well as iron. 25 grams contains more than 3 mg of iron – just choose chocolate without sugar and with a high cocoa content.
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