A 111-year-old Australian spoke about the secret of longevity

Australia's oldest resident Dexter Kruger said that regular eating chicken brains allowed him to live to 111 years. He also urged not to overeat and to follow a healthy diet in order to increase life expectancy.

“I have always lived in nature and ate mainly what I grew in the garden or on the farm,” said Kruger. The long-lived man added that he never drank or smoked, and began each new day with physical exercise.

Kruger's son, who is now 74 years old, told ABC in an interview that his father spent his entire life in the village area At various times, he worked as a cattleman and a veterinarian.

Dr. Walter Longo, formerly director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, conducted a study in which he interviewed people who were over 100 years old. According to Longo, everyone has one common, characteristic habit – every day to do any physical activity, in particular – walking.

The scientist came to the conclusion that it does not matter what type of exercise is performed. The main thing is to choose the one you like and can effectively fit into your daily routine.

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Author: alex

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