A cardiologist gave advice on how to easily lower cholesterol without medication
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that cholesterol in moderate amounts is necessary for the body.
Reduce the level of “harmful” cholesterol quite simply without resorting to medication. and at the same time avoid taking medication. A leading researcher at the National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine, a cardiologist believes that you need to change your diet.
In particular, partially replace butter with linseed oil, add fish oil to the diet, which distributes cholesterol in such a way that the organs that need it receive lipids, and the excess is excreted from the body. It is also necessary to add oatmeal and oat bran, garlic, apples and citrus fruits to your menu.
At the same time, you cannot completely refuse the use of butter either. In a day, you can eat 12 grams of butter, 80 grams of veal liver or one egg. These products help cholesterol move from the blood to the organs and tissues, especially the brain. Eggs that contain lecithin have the same property.
So that the amount of cholesterol consumed does not exceed the norms required by the body, it is necessary to control the use of products that contain too much of it, these are by-products – heart, brains, kidneys.
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