A cardiologist has listed 10 ways to keep your heart healthy

Diseases of the cardiovascular system have become “younger” and began to affect both men and women more often. About how to maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels, the consultant of the National Health Service of Great Britain, cardiologist Kevin Fox, told.

Away with semi-finished products

Direct the way to improving the diet is independent cooking instead of using semi-finished products and fast food. Homemade meals have less salt and saturated fat, which will benefit the cardiovascular system.

Read the labels

When buying products, check their composition, paying special attention to the salt and sugar content. Even if it is not possible to completely abandon semi-finished products, it is necessary to find options that are less dangerous for health.

Less red meat

“We are the what we eat,” reminded Dr. Fox and urged not to try to eat red meat. It is not necessary to become a vegetarian, but it is enough to include red meat in your diet no more than two to three times a week.

Take care of your teeth

Dr. Fox said that the health of the heart and blood vessels depends on the condition of the oral cavity and teeth. Bacteria that cause gum disease can enter any organ through blood vessels and provoke an inflammatory process in it. This is one of the common causes of infectious endocarditis – inflammation of the inner lining of the heart. You can reduce the risk by taking good care of your teeth: brushing them twice a day and flossing is recommended.

Move more

Regular physical activity is extremely important for the cardiovascular system, the cardiologist emphasized. Half an hour of exercise per day is enough, and it is not necessary to shower afterwards. If after classes you feel tired and you breathe more often, exercise will be beneficial.

Get rid of your belly

Excess weight has a negative effect not only on the cardiovascular system , but also on the general state of health. Obesity is a life-threatening condition, and the owners of belly fat are most at risk. Proper nutrition and moderate exercise will help solve this problem, the doctor noted.

Take breaks from work

With a sedentary lifestyle, it is not easy to find time for physical activity. The specialist recommended making it a rule to take breaks at work and get up from the table every hour. It is enough to walk around the office – a little activity is better than its complete absence.

Manage your stress level

Stress alone is unlikely to lead to heart disease, Dr. Fox believes, but it can trigger unhealthy habits, such as overeating. It is necessary to find a way to cope with anxiety and stress. Physical activity is suitable for some, others will prefer reading. Someone relaxes with yoga or meditation, and someone prefers to take a bath. The doctor advised to learn to recognize the early manifestations of stress – increased irritability, sleep disturbances, in order to take measures in time.

Adjust your sleep regime

Research confirmed that daytime sleep two – three times a week can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke by 48%, Dr. Fox said. Those who sleep at least six to eight hours at night have a much lower risk of coronary heart disease. Scientists still don't know the exact mechanism by which sleep affects the heart, but the connection is obvious, the cardiologist noted.

Don't hesitate to ask for help

If you feel unwell and have signs of a heart attack, seek medical help if you have any troubling symptoms, urged Dr. Fox.

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Author: alex

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