A certain type of diet helps men avoid problems with potency

Studies show that erectile dysfunction in men can be prevented by eating certain foods.

A large-scale 16-year study was conducted in the United States with the participation of 50,000 men aged 40 to 75 years. Doctors drew up a report on their state of health every two years. Scientists have established that the least likely to experience potency problems are men whose diet is close to the Mediterranean type of nutrition.

The Mediterranean diet is based on the priority consumption of vegetables, legumes, fruits, fish, nuts, and healthy fats – it is low in red fat. meat, sweets, trans fats. According to researchers, following these nutritional principles effectively supports good male health and helps prevent erectile dysfunction.

This is how they advise men to eat to avoid potency problems

Fish instead of meat. Fish contains high-quality animal protein and important omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the level of inflammation in the body. They are also present in meat, but less, besides, they are accompanied by a large amount of omega-6 fatty acids, which should be consumed strictly in moderation. This is the main reason why meat should be replaced with fish more often.

Less ready-made dishes. Semi-finished products, fast food, ready-made sauces contain a large number of additives, often also a lot of sugar, unhealthy fats . Therefore, it is worth cooking more often yourself.

Nuts and fruits instead of sweets. Nuts contain healthy fats, many important antioxidants. In combination with fruit, they are ideal as a snack between meals – unlike sweets, this provides a longer supply of energy.

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Author: alex

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