A certain type of nuts can significantly reduce high pressure while sleeping
Scientists' conclusions about the benefits of pistachios as a natural antihypertensive tool have published a magazine of the American Cardiological Association. Experts were experimenting whose participants (people with high pressure) were divided into two separate groups: the first adhered to a diet containing low fat snacks and the second – a moderate fat diet with the inclusion of pistachios. Both groups adhered to their food systems for four weeks, then volunteers passed a series of tests.”The reducing effect of pistachios on blood pressure is greater than that of other types of nuts,” the project authors stated. They also noticed the ability of this type of nuts to “significantly reduce” high pressure during sleep. Have known advantages for hypertension. They also include the amino acid L-arginine, which in the body is converted into nitric oxide, which promotes relaxation and expansion of blood vessels. This is the result of a decrease in blood pressure.
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