A change in weather is dangerous for people with heart problems
With chronic heart problems and cardiovascular diseases, weather changes can negatively affect well-being and cause unpleasant symptoms of worsening pathologies, the doctor warned.
In an interview with a cardiologist, a warning was heard that weather fluctuations can be dangerous for people with vascular and heart problems. In particular, a sharp cold snap contributes to the deterioration of hypertensive patients, who risk suffering from pressure surges in such weather. As a result, dizziness, nausea, weakness, and heart rhythm disturbances are possible.
“A change in weather in people with cardiovascular diseases can be accompanied by tachycardia, arrhythmia, and other ailments,” the doctor added.
The cardiologist also informed about the potential danger of a sharp cold snap for those with ischemic heart disease.
“Attacks of angina pain in the heart area and behind the sternum may occur,” the doctor said.
The doctor clarified that with such attacks of angina, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing may also be observed.
The cardiologist advised heart patients to pay special attention to the quality of their nutrition and the level of their physical activity with the onset of the cold season. According to the doctor, the body's dependence on weather fluctuations is completely corrected.
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