A Chinese scientist warned about the dangers of eating pickles
Chinese scientist Zhuang Guangfeng from the Food Information Exchange Center products warned about the dangers of eating pickles. It turns out that such dishes can provoke oxygen starvation.
The scientist told about the hospitalization of a five-year-old girl in the city of Zhuji in the pages of the publication “Huanqiu Shibao”. A small patient was admitted to the medical institution with blue lips and signs of oxygen starvation. Doctors diagnosed the shipment with nitrites. These compounds are considered toxic. They oxidize hemoglobin into methemoglobin, which leads to oxygen starvation and hemoglobinemia.
Danger occurs if an adult receives more than 200 milligrams of nitrites at one time. At the same time, it is natural that children are at risk when consuming less salt. In young patients, nitrite poisoning is called “blue baby syndrome”. This condition occurs extremely rarely, and is manifested by bluing of the lips and skin.
According to the scientist, vegetables already contain a large amount of nitrates, which turn into dangerous nitrites during pickling. As Zhuang Guangfeng explained, during the growth process, plants consume nitrogen fertilizers contained in the soil. Then they turn into nitrates, and under the influence of certain bacteria, they become toxic nitrites. Their number decreases in pickles over time. At first, pickled vegetables have the most of them.
The maximum nitrite content can reach 100 mg per kilogram or higher. This concentration is toxic, so it is not recommended to use such vegetables, especially for children.
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