A condition known to many turned out to be a sign of vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency leads to bone deformation and severe pain. As a rule, it is observed in people who rarely go outside, especially on sunny days. Vitamin supplements and frequent walks in the fresh air will help improve the condition.
There are several symptoms of a lack of this substance in the body, but the most common one is called chronic lower back pain.
In one study, the the relationship between vitamin D levels and back pain in more than 9,000 elderly women. It was found that people with vitamin deficiency more often suffered from such pains, including severe ones, which sharply limited daily activities. In addition, scientists found that people with a lack of this substance almost twice as often experienced pain in the bones of the legs, ribs or joints compared to people with a normal level of it in the blood.
According to the researchers, the the connection between the deficiency of the “sunshine” vitamin and pain in the musculoskeletal system, especially in the neck, is well-studied. In addition, it was established that the level of this substance directly affects the condition of the muscles, and its deficiency causes spasms.
“Correction of the level of vitamin D plays an important role in the treatment of chronic neck and back pain, as muscle spasms in patients with vitamin D deficiency, as they can be easily prevented and cured,” the doctors said.
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