A convenient way to gap rasp

If you are waiting for a particularly good raspber The branches brought out overvoltage from excess fruits. To support inclined sprouts, they should be tied. How to prevent the appearance of worms in raspberry berries will be told. , during the simplest method of raspberry shoots are tied to a single support in the form of a peg.

  • for the so -called The “wallpaper” species of the garter in the ground kills pegs, between which the wire is pulled.
  • However, the most convenient for the gardener is a fan method. Two sticks should be installed between the bushes. It remains only to tie them at different heights of a branch, then the other bush, thus forming something like a fan.
  • thanks to this method of harvesting to turn into a quick and easy process, because because All berries find themselves on the surface.

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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