A daily cup of coffee helps reduce belly fat and overall weight
Adding coffee to your daily diet can help you lose weight, get rid of fat deposits – several studies have linked coffee consumption with a decrease in belly fat and better overall weight loss.
Scientists remind that an additional daily cup of the drink ( without sugar, cream) can be a means of reducing belly fat.
“Drinking coffee three times a day reduces belly fat in women,” Times Now quotes experts.
A number of studies have shown that coffee consumption correlates with reduced belly fat and more intense weight loss. This effect is provided by the substance – stimulant caffeine – it accelerates metabolic processes, which also activates the consumption of fat. Caffeine is found in almost all commercial fat burning supplements.
Another useful quality of coffee is that the drink provides a feeling of satiety, which helps to eat less and contributes to weight loss. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, women aged 20 to 44 who drink two to three cups of coffee daily have the lowest body fat levels. It also found that average total body fat was 2.8 percent lower in women of all ages who drank two to three cups of coffee a day compared to women of all ages who did not drink coffee.
Another study, published by The Journal of Nutrition, found that women aged 45-69 who drank four or more cups of coffee had a 4.1 percent lower rate of obesity than those who did not drink the beverage.
“The obtained data suggest that coffee contains, in addition to caffeine, other bioactive compounds that regulate weight – potentially they can be used as an anti-obesity agent,” the researchers said.
In addition to the ability to accelerate burning fat, including deposits on the stomach, coffee can also provide other health effects. Drinking it increases the level of energy, improves physical performance, strengthens the body's defense against the development of type 2 diabetes, dementia, heart and liver diseases. This is facilitated by the fact that coffee contains several powerful antioxidants and nutrients, such as riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid (B5), niacin (B3), magnesium, manganese, potassium.
But it is important to remember that the body may have increased sensitivity to caffeine and cannot tolerate the aromatic drink. In addition, coffee can be dangerous during pregnancy. Some studies link heavy coffee consumption with weakening of bone tissue, increased anxiety and nervousness.
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