A daily cup of tea reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease
Scientists believe that tea is a beverage that people can easily add to their daily diet, making it more healthy, as well as making their lives healthier and longer.
Black and green tea contain flavonoid compounds, which strengthen the immune system by helping body to fight bacterial or viral infection more effectively. There is a growing body of research showing that tea can improve a person's health in many ways.
In the short term, a cup of moderately hot tea can reduce stress, help with concentration, and reduce fatigue. In turn, a separate Australian review found that people who drank one to five cups of tea a day had a lower risk of dementia.
Studies show that “a daily cup of tea can reduce the risk of stroke or heart disease by 4 percent, and the risk of dying young by 1.5 percent.”
In addition, tea flavonoids may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as colorectal cancer. At the same time, the tea itself – if it is drunk too bitter – can become a provoking factor, contributing to the development of esophageal cancer. The drink should be consumed only warm.
You should also not add sugar or any sweeteners to the tea. You can add a little lemon juice, berries, rose hips, mint, chamomile.
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