A daily slice of cheese strengthens the body's defenses against heart attacks
Daily consumption of cheese reduces the likelihood of a heart attack, according to the results of the study.
According to scientists from the University of Reading, a small slice of cheese every day strengthens the body's defense against heart attack. In particular, this habit reduces the likelihood of a heart attack by 14%.
During the experiment, participants were divided into two groups, one of which included people who ate a little cheese every day according to the scientists' instructions, and the other – people who ate in their usual way. As a result, those volunteers who ate a 40-gram piece of cheese every day demonstrated the greatest protection of the body from vascular pathologies during a medical examination.
Scientists noted that in the “cheese” group, people had increased levels of the so-called “good” cholesterol and at the same time, the levels of “bad” cholesterol decreased. Commenting on this feature, the researchers noted that “cheese is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins that help protect against cardiovascular disease, and also contains high doses of calcium, improves metabolism.” Scientists from McMaster University came to a similar conclusion about the positive effect of cheese on the vascular system of the body, who analyzed data on the health and lifestyle of 130,000 people aged 35 to 70 from 21 countries around the world. These scientists found that daily consumption of more than two servings of processed milk products in the form of yogurt contributes to a significant reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease and the risk of early death.
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