A dangerous breakfast: a nutritionist spoke about the harm of oatmeal

This cereal is one of the most popular in the world, when it comes to breakfast. However, not everyone knows that oatmeal can cause serious harm to the body.

People with irritable bowel syndrome and other similar diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be afraid of this porridge. The reason is the high fiber content – more than 8 grams per cup. According to nutritionist, representative of the press service of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Roksana Ekhsani, the high fiber content in oatmeal can cause bloating and gas formation in people with a sensitive stomach. below, for example, white rice. In case of gluten intolerance, the doctor advises to pay attention to gluten-free oats. But the most important thing, Ehsani believes, is to be careful with additives that can increase the number of calories and carbohydrates in a portion of porridge.

“People with diabetes need to be more careful about adding honey, brown sugar or maple syrup to oatmeal. This can lead to a too high increase in blood sugar,” the nutritionist shared. She also paid attention to instant oatmeal. It usually contains a lot of sweet additives, which reduce the benefits of morning porridge.

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Author: alex

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