A dangerous side effect was found in useful omega-3 acids
It is known that the human body is not able to produce omega-3 fatty acids, so it is extremely important to get them from food. The substance is found in large quantities in fish, seeds and nuts.
Omega-3 is necessary to prevent cognitive disorders, reduce inflammation in the body and even for healthy skin. However, a new study found that supplements with these acids are associated with certain risks.
Specifically, scientists from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) found that extra intake of these acids can cause atrial fibrillation (AF or AFib).
This condition is characterized by a malfunction of the heart muscle, in which it begins to beat irregularly. As explained in the ESC, in this case, the probability of a stroke increases by five times. In addition, the American Heart Association (AHA) notes that AFib increases the risk of blood clots, heart failure, and other heart problems.
The study also found that omega-3 fatty acids may especially increase the risk of developing AF in those with a history of heart problems. However, the scientists emphasized that this does not mean the need to give up the nutrient, but the intake of supplements should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist.
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