A day of harsh truth. Astrologer gave a forecast for Friday, January 17
Astrological forecast for the day can help you successfully plan all your affairs and avoid mistakes. In addition, you get a chance to attract happiness.
Astrological forecast for January 17
“You may visit the hairdresser. Do not succumb to illusions, selfishness, sadness and negative thoughts. You cannot be passive, relax in anticipation of a happy occasion. It is not advisable to eat meat, drink alcohol and smoke. Refrain from sexual entertainment,” Solovyova advises.
“A passive day, there is a danger of falling under someone else’s influence and starting to imitate someone. Keep your mind sober, objectively evaluate yourself and all people. The surrounding reality will reflect your essence. Everything that is said about you is true. Think about how to get rid of the listed shortcomings,” she advises.
If you hear something pleasant about yourself, it is also true. On this day, take stock, complete current affairs, repay debts.
“An unfavorable period for new business and important decisions, surgical and dental interventions, travel, expensive purchases, and signing agreements,” the expert said, reminding us that Mars is still retrograde.
Astrolifehacks for Friday
January 17 is the day of Venus, the planet of harmony, beauty, finance, creativity, art, skill, talent, and partnership. Astrologers call it “little happiness.”
Due to the general background of the day, it is better not to initiate new activities that are related to the “sphere of responsibility” of Venus.
These include large financial payments, marriage registration, new acquaintances, business registration, expensive purchases, loans, updating your own image and apartment design, new cosmetic, plastic and surgical procedures, and abuse of unfamiliar food.
“You can balance the Venusian theme with pink and silk in clothes or jewelry. Surround yourself with fresh flowers. Refrain from romance, instead find time for any creativity,” Solovyova advises.
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