A deficiency of vitamin B12 will be indicated by several main signs
Vitamin B12 deficiency will indicate several symptoms. The main ones are:
- cognitive changes;
- regular headache;
- indigestion;
- loss of appetite;
- palpitations;
- impaired vision;
- weakness;
- tachypnea.
The NHS explained that tachypnea is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The condition is considered life-threatening and occurs when the lungs are unable to supply the organs with enough oxygen.
Symptoms of ARDS may include:
- severe shortness of breath;
- rapid, shallow breathing;
- fatigue, drowsiness or confusion;
- feeling weak.
At the same time, Nice added that elderly people with Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause angina. In addition, the lack of the substance causes cheilitis, in which red spots appear in the corners of the mouth. In some cases, “brown pigmentation” may develop on the nails and in skin folds.
Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include chronic heart failure, glossitis, heart murmurs, enlarged liver, jaundice, mouth ulcers, loss of balance. Doctors warn that a lack of healthy red blood cells can lead to neurological complications. The best way to determine the level of vitamin B12 is to give blood for analysis. Treatment options include both injecting the vitamin and taking it in the form of supplements.
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