A dentist from Germany explains why you shouldn't eat apples after a meal

Apples are healthy, but they can also damage your teeth. Dental expert from Germany Markus Felber explains why you should be especially careful with apples.

An old saying goes: if you eat an apple a day, you don't need to see a doctor. Is the same for going to the dentist? Yes, but limited. Many people make the mistake of eating extra fruit, especially apples, right after a meal. Those who watch their nutrition prefer an apple as a dessert.

However, these healthy fruits attack the protective acid mantle of the teeth. The problem: after eating, the protective acid layer retreats only after 30 minutes. Dental expert Markus Felber's advice: “In order not to put too much stress on the teeth, it is always better to wait a little after eating.”

It is worth considering that the consumption of apples and other fruits is good for the gums due to their vitamin C content. loss of teeth due to scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.

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Author: alex

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