A dermatologist told how regular training affects the skin of the face
Strengthening immunity, increasing endurance, improving memory – all this is facilitated by regular sports. And about the benefit of training for the skin of the face, the dermatologist told.
According to the expert, training has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, because due to the acceleration of metabolism and the increase of microcirculation, the cells are saturated with oxygen and get rid of toxins. and other harmful substances, writes “Championat”. The consequence of regular training is the reduction of puffiness on the face and the disappearance of dark circles under the eyes.
In addition, during training, the skin stretches and becomes more elastic, as a result of which small wrinkles on the face are smoothed out, says the dermatologist. Active sweating also occurs during physical exercises, thanks to which the pores are cleaned and salts and products of protein metabolism are removed from the body.
However, there are those who should give up training, the doctor warns. For example, sports are contraindicated for people diagnosed with rosacea, a chronic skin disease.
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