A dermatologist warned about the dangers of natural cosmetics
The dermatologist told why you should not absolutely trust natural cosmetics.>
The expert explained that any natural remedy should not be stored for a long time, as according to the manufacturer's application, it does not contain preservatives. In practice, the picture is often different: the shelf life is close to the allegedly dangerous “chemistry”.
At the same time, it should be understood that preservatives do not always pose a danger. For example, parabens, which many consider harmful, are not.
“Preservatives are neither good nor bad, preservatives are a necessity… of course, preservatives are different. And among them there are very high-quality ones, for example, parabens. Everyone is afraid of parabens, but for some reason no one bothers to look for reports on their proven safety … parabens can irritate sensitive skin, but nothing more than that!” – – the specialist explained.
In this regard, she noted that one should not be afraid of unnatural means and absolutely trust natural ones. The best solution is to focus on the reaction of your own skin to one or another product. However, pharmaceutical products are the safest.
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