A doctor from Britain revealed three secrets of longevity that are available to everyone

Longevity is not the prerogative of the rich, said British therapist Nyza Aslam. She told about the simple and accessible life hacks that can improve health and prolong life.

Low-fat food

According to the doctor, the first simple trick is to to eat low-fat dairy foods, especially plain yogurt. She explained, “plain, low-fat yogurt is rich in calcium, which is vital for bone health, and is low in fat, with no added sugar added.”

Aslam emphasized that yogurt also contains healthy bacteria. , which help normalize bowel function. She cited recent research showing that regular consumption of fermented milk products, such as yogurt, increases the population of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and can help strengthen the immune system.

Purple foods

The therapist named other products that contain vitamin D. Among them:

  • red meat;
  • liver;
  • egg yolks;
  • sardine;
  • mackerel;
  • herring .

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Author: alex

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