A female mistake that instantly repels men and destroys any relationship
Has something like this ever happened to you: you meet a nice guy, everything seems to be fine, but suddenly he disappears. He doesn't call, doesn't try to meet. You're surprised: what happened? What did you say or do wrong?
Why didn't you come? It is especially unfortunate when a similar situation is repeated again and again. And someone, on the contrary, is lucky: they have all men – one is better than the other. Why does this happen?
Every time a woman falls in love with a man, she feels that she needs to somehow show that she is interested. And how else? After all, he may not notice the signals, and she will lose him forever! For some reason, she believes that if a man is convinced that he is loved, he will definitely understand the depth of what is happening and will stay with her forever.
Women send these signals in different ways. Some – constantly send messages to remind about what they think and remember about the man. Others invite you to go somewhere together and do something together. Someone else — torments with questions about how a man feels about their relationship, calls to find out why he does not call, etc.
And, even if you do it with sincere motives, and it looks inoffensive and cute at first, it will not always be like that. If you overdo it with such “signals”, you will achieve the opposite result – you will push the man away from you. You will simply lose attractiveness in his eyes.
The thing is that men, that is, hunters, are attracted to women who will have to hunt. They are attracted to what should be conquered, mined, and not what is within reach – take and enjoy. Naturally, the man has nothing against you initiating some conversations and invitations. But do not forget that they need freedom and space to pursue, this allows him to feel like a real man. Only then he realizes that you are a very valuable “prey”.
Men need space. And when a woman behaves too actively, they feel depressed. Even if they agree to meet or talk. If you do it out of fear of losing, he will immediately feel it. So the next time you want to write or call your man, ask yourself: “Do I want to do this because I'm afraid or because I love you?”
If you are driven by the fear of loss, a man will immediately feel it, and you will lose your former attractiveness in his eyes. He will have the feeling that he is literally locked in a cage. As a result, he retreats to regain the space he needs. Instead of endlessly sending signals to your man, give him space. Feeling of freedom. Freedom of choice.
Yes, sitting back is not easy, especially when you are overwhelmed with the desire to know if he likes you. But you will have to. If you don't want to lose it forever. Instead of suffocating him with messages and invitations, let him get bored. A woman's attractiveness increases many times when she is not around. If a man is really interested, you won't be the only one who initiates conversations and meetings. When he really wants something, he will always find time and a way to contact you.
If you still absolutely need to plan everything, call your husband yourself, make an appointment (preferably in a few days) and continue living your life. Work, do your business and hobbies until the date comes. If he wants to – he will call or write you during this time, no – you will have to wait for the meeting.
You should have your own friends and your own life. In order to look truly “valuable” in the eyes of a man, you don't have to be always available. You don't need any special techniques to get or keep a man's attention. Just live your life and enjoy each day! Act in this way, because everything looks much more natural this way, and you yourself will live a full life at the same time, and not in fear and expectation that “he will call or not.” Yes, it is difficult, but necessary. Believe that this behavior will attract a man's attention faster than flooding him with messages.
Give him the freedom to win you over! If a man feels that he is good with you, then your step back motivates him to move into the space you have opened for him. At the same time, which is very important, he will feel like a hunter, and not a victim who is driven into a trap. As soon as a man settles in this “space of love” and understands that it is safe there, he will want to spend more and more time in it. Always make sure that he is chasing you and that he is the hunter, not you. And the main thing is that you are worth pursuing.
At this moment, the man will already worry about not losing you. And only when he decides that you are worth keeping, it will be much easier to create and maintain a healthy, long-lasting and sincere relationship with him. So take your time. Everything has its time.
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