A few physical body signals that you shouldn't ignore
The skin suddenly became dry, and the nails brittle, or there was a strong desire to eat something salty or sweet – these and other physical signals of the body should not be ignored, you need to discuss them with your doctor.
Doctors advise always to be very attentive to changes in the body's condition, as they can give clues about emerging diseases. Here are the physical signals of the body, in their opinion, that should not be ignored.
A strong desire to eat fish, seafood, seaweed. This may indicate a lack of iodine, which is an important trace element used by the body to support the functioning of the thyroid gland.
You want something sour.Craving for acidic foods and drinks is a possible symptom that your liver is not working properly or that you have a bladder problem.
Bleeding gums. In addition to not taking enough or too much care of your teeth (for example, flossing), bleeding gums can be caused by a vitamin C deficiency.
Sleep has become poor. A deterioration in the quality of your night's sleep is another physical signal from your body that should not be ignored. Poor sleep often indicates a deficiency in the important minerals potassium and magnesium.
The skin looks unusually dry. Peeling and dryness of the skin that occurs suddenly for no apparent reason can be explained by a vitamin E deficiency.
Cravings for salty foods. Various studies have shown that an increased desire to eat salty foods can be a sign of inflammation in the body. If it persists for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor.
Nails become brittle. Along with dull, unsightly hair, this can be a physical signal from the body about a lack of vitamin B and calcium.
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