A few simple rules that help you lose weight twice as fast

If these rules are systematically followed for a long time, you can lose weight almost twice as fast – by 65%. Nutritionists gave a few simple recommendations to those dreaming of losing weight.

Experts voiced a few simple rules that help you lose weight twice as fast. According to them, you can become slimmer even by following only one of these attitudes.

A few simple rules that help you lose weight twice as fast

The first rule is to eat eggs regularly. Quite low-calorie, they contain a lot of protein, maintain a long feeling of satiety, which protects against excessive snacking.

Another condition: use spices, as they stimulate active metabolic processes, thereby forcing the body to burn more fat.


In addition, it is recommended to consume fermented products containing live bacteria. Thanks to them, the work of the digestive tract improves, the condition of the intestinal microflora improves – against this background, the metabolism is more active, allowing you to lose weight twice as fast.

Another rule is to eat more foods containing fiber (food fibers). Such food also speeds up metabolism.

A simple secret to losing weight twice as fast is to get enough sleep, doctors add. If you sleep for 7-8 hours a day, the hormonal background stabilizes, which directly affects the mechanisms of hunger, appetite, satiety – a person does not have problems with this. Lack of sleep, on the contrary, promotes fat gain.

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Author: alex

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