A folk remedy in the fight against phytophthora

Not all gardeners are faced with such a disease as late blight. It spreads very quickly, spoils leaves, fruits, and can even completely destroy the crop. Tomatoes, eggplants, tomatoes are most often affected. Undoubtedly, there are many chemicals to save the crop, but if you don't have them at hand, then try this folk remedy.


It is prepared on the basis of bitter pepper. You can use dry powder, and you can also use pods after first grinding them.

To prepare 250 ml of such a product, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. dry pepper or 1 pod of hot pepper, grind it and pour a glass of warm water. Leave to infuse for 1-2 days. Then filter and spray it on sick plants. It is better to do this procedure in the evening, after sunset, so as not to burn the leaves.

Try – and maybe you won't have to use chemicals in the garden!

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Author: alex

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