A fruit that is able to slow down the aging process


China researchers state that the Archatus Fruit has the ability to slow down the processes of aging. They came to this conclusion after experiments with mice.

The project of Chinese scientists is reported in The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. In the course of the study, experts for 10 months fed the archas of mice.

experts found that this fruit is able to activate the functions of hematopoietic stem cells (GSC) in the red bone marrow, which are precursors of blood cells, and promotes their regeneration. The results of studies conducted in mice are most likely confirmed in humans. The archat is cultivated because of its fruits. In taste, the archat resembles a melon, its fruits have a high content of antioxidants of mogosides. It is believed that the use of archite reduces the harmful effects of smoking and alcohol: it helps to cleanse the lungs and strengthens the liver.

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Author: alex

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