A gastroenterologist called breakfast the most harmful for the heart and stomach

Gastroenterologist Serhii Vyalov told about the rules of healthy eating in the morning. The expert named the product for breakfast, the most harmful for the pancreas and the heart.

Morning meal is important for providing the body with energy for the whole day. Breakfast raises the tone and gives strength, so it is very important to prepare the diet correctly for this time.

According to the candidate of medical sciences, gastroenterologist Serhii Vyalov, the main thing is to maintain a balance of fats in it. A popular breakfast with sandwiches with cheese and butter can be extremely undesirable for the state of organs and systems.

The listed products have a high content of triglycerides, as well as “harmful” cholesterol. They negatively affect the pancreas and heart, overloading them. Too frequent consumption of such dishes can lead to both inflammation of the pancreas and atherosclerosis in the blood vessels.

The specialist also reminds that large volumes of food have a much more harmful effect on the body. Yes, eaten at once in large quantities harms the pancreas. The heart and blood vessels can be affected by a large amount of fat, for example, when bread with butter and cheese is added to the menu. One such meal causes tension in the functionality of the liver.

The situation is especially worsened by the consumption of alcohol after a meal. Premature release of bile can complicate the patient's situation. By activating enzymes, it provokes the start of the body's digestion process of its own pancreas. Such breakfasts can easily end with the development of pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas.

The heart can suffer first of all from the regularity of eating sandwiches. The regular presence of animal fats on the table increases the level of low-density lipoproteins, as well as triglycerides in the blood.

These substances lead to the development of atherosclerosis in humans, in which the lumen of blood vessels is blocked by cholesterol plaques. In order to avoid health problems, it is recommended to replace butter and other fats of animal origin with vegetable ones. According to modern recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, only vegetarian food should be consumed twice out of three meals.

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Author: alex

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