A German cardiologist explained how to easier to protect yourself from a heart attack
There are four key health factors that can control and thus increase their heart attack protection. This was told by ULF LandMeser, Director of the Cardiology Department of Charatite Clinic in Berlin.
In Germany, cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of death. At the same time, according to cardiologist Ulfa LandMeser, the prevention of heart attacks can only be reduced to small changes in everyday life.
smoking refusal.The doctor emphasizes that smoking is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease, as it contributes to the development of vascular calcification, one of the indicators of atherosclerosis. In addition, tobacco smoke further narrows blood vessels and thus promotes high blood pressure, and in the myocardium itself provokes oxygen starvation. About two years later, the former smokers have the same risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease as non-smoking people, ”said Cardiologist Ulf LandMeser.LandMeser reported that to protect against heart attack should be performed at least three times a week – about 30 minutes at a time.
nutrition correction. ULF LandMeser recommends that you bet on compulsory daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, healthy oils, fish and lean meat. It is necessary to refrain from a large amount of red and fatty meat and sweet products: if you can not give them up completely, you need to be strictly at least, emphasized the expert. If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, you should consult a cardiologist to eliminate the possible risk for yourself. Early detection and control of risk factors, such as high blood pressure or lipid levels, help prevent heart attack, postulated cardiologist.
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