A glass of juice from one fruit a day can lower blood pressure and the risk of stroke

Just one glass of a certain juice a day can greatly help your well-being – these are the results of the study authors from the University of Southampton and Harvard Medical School. According to their data, citrus fruits can have a positive effect.

In particular, scientists have stated that the consumption of orange juice can reduce inflammatory processes in the body and reduce the risk of stroke. 

Scientists note that orange juice is rich in vitamin C and folic acid. “These nutrients support the function of many types of immune cells, including phagocytes, natural killer cells, T cells and B cells,” said study co-author Philip Calder, professor of nutritional immunology at the University of Southampton. According to Dr. Howard Sesso from Harvard Medical School, inflammatory processes may be one of the important mechanisms of hypertension-high blood pressure. This is evidenced by research data covering 21,000 people over a period of eight years.

Another area of ​​research is bioactive polyphenols contained in citrus juices, including hesperidin, narutin and naringin. “They not only have anti-inflammatory effects, but may also have direct antiviral effects, according to new data from model studies,” Calder said. It is also reported that the nutrients in orange juice play a role in strengthening the intestinal and skin barriers – the body's first line of defense.

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Author: alex

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