A glass of plain water in the morning has found benefits

It is believed that the Japanese drink plain water on an empty stomach right after waking up every morning. It became known what the benefit of such a ritual is.

Rehydration of the body

Six to eight hours of sleep is a long period when a person does without water consumption. However, drinking two or three glasses immediately after waking up is an easy way to quickly restore moisture levels in the body, experts say.

Caliness and energy

Experts recommend starting morning with a glass of water, as they claim that this will allow you to finally wake up and cheer up. Dehydration can rob a person of energy.

Brain activity

The brain is made up of more than 70% water, and staying hydrated is helpful for maintaining optimal brain activity. Without enough water, the brain is running on less fuel, so a person may feel run down or even experience fatigue or mood swings.

Getting rid of toxins

A few glasses of water in the morning can help flush out all the toxins that accumulate in the body overnight. Water, according to experts, naturally stimulates the bowels in the morning hours.

Improving complexion

In addition, it is noted that dehydration is one of the main causes of wrinkles, age spots and enlarged pores. Keeping the body hydrated at the beginning of the day promotes a steady flow of blood to the skin, which improves its color, experts say.

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Author: alex

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