A habit disliked by children turned out to be the key to longevity

Doctors often remind about the need to eat right and do sports . Chinese scientists have found out that a habit that parents usually instill in their children is useful for longevity. However, for a child, it seems like a “punishment”.

An afternoon nap can improve the cognitive functions of the brain, according to researchers. They conducted an experiment with the participation of 2,214 people over the age of 60. 1,534 of them regularly slept after lunch, and 680 did not sleep during this time.

Then specialists conducted special tests for the presence of dementia in the subjects.

Scientists believe that afternoon sleep strengthens immunity , as it is an evolutionary mechanism of response to inflammation. That is, when a person is sick, he wants to sleep more.

Inflammatory processes appear in the human brain with age, and an additional few hours of sleep help to reduce their level.

However, experts warned that that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to disturbances in the circulation of leptin and ghrelin – peptide hormones that regulate energy metabolism. The consequence of such a phenomenon can be overeating and the development of obesity.

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Author: alex

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