A hearty and unusual omelet for those who are losing weight
Have you decided to lose a little weight? As you always promise, from today everything will be according to the laws of proper nutrition? Start your breakfast with a delicious omelet and you are guaranteed not to want to eat until lunch. At the same time, you can feed another family member with these same dishes if you don't feel like cooking.
- 5 eggs;
- 180 ml of water (you can use milk if you wish, but we'll “save” calories);
- 300 g of Chinese cabbage;
- 100 g of tomatoes;
- 10 ml of vegetable oil for frying, but ghee is better;
- salt to taste, if you like spices and herbs, you can add them.
1. Shred the Chinese cabbage, it doesn't have to be fine, it's tasty when there are large pieces.
2. Lightly fry in a frying pan greased with oil.
3. Chop the tomatoes.
4. Add to the cabbage when it is browned.
5. Beat the eggs, egg whites, water and add salt to taste.
6. Mix until smooth.
7. Pour the omelette mixture over the vegetables and wait until the bottom is browned.
8. Carefully lift the omelette from the bottom so that the raw mixture flows under the fried layer.
9. Cover with a lid, wait until the omelette mixture thickens and turn the omelette over in parts so that the bottom layer is on top and the top layer is on the bottom.
10. Wait until the omelette is browned on the bottom and turn off.
If you are not losing weight, you can serve boiled sausages with the omelette.
It turns out a very juicy and tasty dish. Try it!
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