A hematologist listed foods that thicken the blood

Some products can thicken blood, thereby increasing the risk of blood clots in a person. A hematologist drew attention to this.

The specialist notes that an individual's eating habits directly affect his health. This includes an unbalanced diet, where carbohydrates and fatty foods predominate. Alcohol abuse can also worsen the condition.

The latter causes platelets to stick together, although under certain conditions, strong drinks thin the blood. This effect is possible if the daily alcohol intake has not been exceeded. This is approximately 30 g of vodka or 100 g of wine.

Coffee can also lead to the formation of blood clots and an increase in cholesterol levels. It is better to be careful with dairy products, as they lead to the formation of fructose in the body, which increases viscosity.

The doctor pointed out that there is a direct connection between smoking and the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Nicotine can narrow blood vessels, increasing the likelihood of encountering thrombosis.

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Author: alex

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