A list of products dangerous for the heart has been compiled

Heart disease remains one of the leading causes of death in many countries. The risk of these diseases should be reduced first of all with a healthy diet, doctors note.

A list of foods dangerous to the heart has been compiled

According to doctors, to begin with, you should reduce your consumption of sugar and salt. They affect blood pressure and can increase it, which leads to hardening and narrowing of the arteries. This, in turn, increases the risk of heart diseases.

Secondly, you should remember about saturated fats, experts warn. Recent studies have shown that foods with a high content of such fats increase the level of “bad” cholesterol. This increases the risk of a heart attack in the future, doctors indicate.

Doctors have listed products that have the above characteristics. It is better to reduce their consumption, and in some cases to refuse altogether.

These are pastries with a high content of sugar and fats, French fries, store-bought ice cream, cheese, pizza, sodas, store-bought ham sandwiches, sweets, syrups fructose-based, fried, especially breaded, chicken, white bread and store-bought cookies. You should also avoid packaged juices, Chinese food, chips, canned tomato sauce, coffee creamer, margarine, coffee shakes, bacon and sausages, white rice, convenience foods, salty cheese, ketchup, vegetable juices and restaurant soups.

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Author: alex

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