A narcologist reported four major symptoms of alcoholism
The desire to hang and drink when drunk is already enough, may be a symptom of alcoholism. About what other signs indicate alcoholism in humans, a psychiatrist-narcologist.
alcoholism is associated with a painful attraction for alcohol. According to the narcologist, there are four main signs that distinguish a person with alcoholism from a person who is not an alcoholic. In contrast, the alcoholic, having drunk one hundred grams, loses control and seeks to increase the dose. In this condition, he is able to drink bottles or go into prolonged binge. An alcoholic never breaks, even if he drinks a lot, with a healthy person with a large amount of drinking the body will try to get rid of alcohol.
also said a specialist, a healthy person who has gone with alcohol the day before, will become muddy with one thought about him. Finally, there is such a symptom of alcoholism: it is very difficult for a person with alcohol addiction just so past the wine department in the store.
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